Jay Valens on October 20th, 2008

My power wasn’t restored until an hour ago.  Sorry for the delay guys!  It gave me an idea of something to post about here, so it wasn’t all bad.  So let me get on with things…

A lot of guys, when they learn how to open, and build up the confidence to do so regularly, still trip up when they want to go from that into an actual interaction which leads to flirting and attraction. We even ran a female focus group recently in which all the girls agreed that this was, indeed, one of the key things they notice about almost all guys who approach them. Here’s a routine which you can use as a transition tactic, and also offers up a great opportunity to initiate touch. It’s thoroughly field-tested.

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Since I didn’t get a video out yesterday, I’ll post 2 videos tomorrow - our commentary follow-up on this routine, and… something else :)


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