This page will help you understand the background of this blog.
The basis of this blog can be found on the welcome post, “It’s the question that brought you here.”
Who is Jay Valens?
Jay Valens (aka “Formhandle” within the pickup community) is the founder of Fast Seduction 101, started in 1999, which is the largest web site in the world dedicated to helping men become better and more successful with women. Jay founded Learn The Skills Corp in 2001 as a parent company to Fast Seduction 101, to allow for a sustained growth potential in the new industry. In 2005, Jay partnered with a talented producer, Julian Berardi, to found what would be known as “The Art of the Pickup” and by 2006 released an innovative DVD set under that brand.
Who is Ray Devans?
Ray Devans (aka “TokyoPUA” within the pickup community) is Jay’s business partner in Learn The Skills Corp, and has been working with Jay since 2001. He is involved in helping Jay operate LTSC, FS101, and AOTP.
What is The Art of the Pickup?
“The Art of the Pickup” is a brand established to produce media products of high production value which help, in the most effective way possible, to teach men the ins and outs of pickup: meeting, attraction, follow-up, dating, and seduction.
Here are some helpful (but more general) blog link sites: