Jay Valens on October 13th, 2008

Quick blurb to let you know that we’ve got a MySpace profile up for AOTP as yet another way for people to keep up with us. :)


3 Responses to “AOTP on MySpace”

  1. This isn’t about the topic but I want to report some interesting experience.
    The four secret question. I didn’t interest in it at all because I’m sick of this question thing and I think to use it with Thai girl the outcome maybe different.
    I talked to my female friend and the question pops in my head
    I asked her the 1st question
    her answer was I feel like I will die
    What!!!!! lol

  2. LOL yes, some girls will say that. It’s not surprising.

    Ray can explain this better but, basically, it doesn’t matter what the girl responds to on the first 3 questions, so long as the way you present it to her is that the questions and how they are answered by her make her feel like it’s an accurate assessment of her, which then makes her response to the 4th question (the most important one) that much more powerful.

  3. FirStyle,

    You actually got the perfect answer though maybe you don’t realize it. As it states in the PDF, the interpretation for the question is how the person would feel about death or dying, so what you do is you tell her she is very perceptive, and that the question is about death (again, the whole bit about the white light at the end of a tunnel, etc).

    Anyway, you could complement her for being the first person to be so perceptive. This is something else I do, I complement them on unique answers, and tell them I have never heard anyone say that before.

    You could also still ask her to elaborate on how that makes her feel. If she said death, then she will probably go on to say it makes her feel scared or sad or whatever, and you are back to having got her feelings. This happens with other questions too as I mentioned in the PDF, sometimes you have to push a little to get them to give feelings instead of “things”.

    Remember, as Jay mentioned the first 3 questions are about pacing so that you can lead on the fourth question.

    These questions are so powerful I have used them on two and three girls at a time and gotten threesomes from them, so my advice is learn them and don’t give up from one answer you didn’t know how to deal with at first!


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